UP Diliman to shift to online classes due to Egay, transport strike

The Chancellor of the University of the Philippines has announced that due to the inclement weather and scheduled transport strike faculty members handling midyear term classes are encouraged to shift to online mode of learning in the next two days.

“Due to the inclement weather and continuation of the transport strike, faculty members handling midyear term classes are encouraged to shift to online mode of learning on July 25 and 26,” the official announced.

“During the same period, most UP Diliman offices and units may adopt WFH (Work From Home) arrangements,” he added.

The WFH arrangement is also applicable to UPD units that are affected by the transport strike.

Meanwhile, offices that have to conduct in-person transactions are encouraged to have a minimum number of personnel on-site.

These offices are the following:

University Health Service UPD Police Public Safety and Security Office Special Services Brigade Campus Maintenance Office

Despite the situation, the UPD facilities will remain open and available for use. — BAP, GMA Integrated News

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